
6 days to grand opening

We began the process of starting LifePoint six months ago ... we’re now six days away from Grand Opening! Over the course of the previous six months we have had over 130 people come to a LifePoint function, not to mention the countless others you have told our story to. We have migrated from Sunday nights at the Hensley house to a very unique Sunday worship space. It has been quite a ride.

The greatest pleasure has been meeting people like you. Throughout history, whenever God put a vision in place he always provided the resources needed to carry out the vision. You are LifePoint’s greatest resource.

Investing yourself in a new way of doing church will be one of your life’s most rewarding experiences. God has granted you an opportunity that only a few believers will ever experience. Not many people can say, “I was there from day one.”

I’m planning on sending out a countdown email each day this week. Not just to remind you that we open our doors September 11 at 9:00 and 10:45 – but to encourage you to keep spreading the word about LifePoint. If you're not receiving our regular email blast, click here to send me an email.

Thanks and may God bring out the best in us!



Lee said...

I'll be praying for you guys as you get closer to opening day.

ken hensley said...

Thanks for the prayers ... we'll take them all! Where do you attend Bible college?